1. The scope of intercessory prayer is vast. (1 Tim 2:1)
- Because God’s love is so vast (John 3:16)
- Ordinary prayer is concerned mainly with one’s own interests
- Ordinary prayer does not affect the kingdom of darkness but intercessory prayer will.
2. Intercessory prayer puts God’s interest first.
- Jesus taught to seek His kingdom and it’s first. (Matt 6:33)
- Our prayers are focused on ‘what to eat, what to drink, what to dress?’ (Matt 6:31)
- As a father, God is concerned about our needs. We can take comfort in that.
3. Intercessory prayer pleases God! (Tim 2:3)
- It is God’s will that all mankind to be saved. (John 3:16)
- It is a mystery that God desires us to intercede.
- We are saved because someone prayed for us. Intercession and salvation go hand in hand.
4. Intercessory prayer pulls down the strongholds of Satan.
- It is a weapon against the enemy. (II Cor 10:3,4)
- The enemy has covered the Nations with a thick sheet of darkness. (Is 60:2)
- This sheet of darkness can be removed by united intercession.
5. In intercessory prayer, you don’t use God but allow God to use you.
- Intercession is unselfish prayer.
- Many Christians are satisfied by just being blessed.
- Let God use you as a channel of blessing
6. Intercessory prayer believes that there is only one mediator between God and Man. (II Tim 2:5)
- Christ is the only mediator
- People of other faiths do not have a mediator
- It is our responsibility to pray for them because we know the only mediator.
7. Intercessory prayer is the only prayer that can change the heart of God.
- Moses changed the mind of God (Ex 32:11-14)
- Moses showed the heart of an intercessor when he asked God to blot him out if God doesn’t forgive His people. (Ex 32:32)
- Hezekiah and Amos have changed God’s heart through intercession. God relented.
– Thomas Samuel (from his book ‘Dynamics of Intercessory Prayer’)