Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2: 1-4
The twenty five member team started out from Richmond, Virginia to Los Angeles, California on July 28th on an eight day intercessory prayer drive. The objective is to stand in the gap for the people of this land, resonating with the prayer of Jesus, “….And this is eternal life that they will know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”
John 17:3
Wearing the armor of God, with belt of truth,
breast plate of righteousness, shoes of preparation of gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, sword of the spirit which is the word of God, and praying in the spirit as in Eph 6:11-18, the team marched forth into the battle with victory songs. The team was supported with a seamless prayer covering by the home base as they drove across the country.
The team praised, worshiped, sang, prayed, interceded, claimed the land, released salvation and healing, pronounced blessing and prosperity, fellowshipped with one another, made new friends and shared testimonies as we travelled.
We returned full of joy having had the most amazing time of our lives. We travelled 4000 miles filled with praise, worship and intercessory prayer for the nation. We met and prayed with Christian groups along the way and were greatly encouraged by each other. God used us to pray for the cities, states and churches as we passed through. The following is the account of those awesome days we spent in the presence of God.
Day1:July 28th 2012
Travelling on Interstate 95 S from Richmond, we stopped at the Welcome Center in Pleasant Hill, NC for a time of worship and intercessory prayer for the state of North Carolina. We prayed for God’s protection and blessings on the people, for the upcoming elections and for all the unreached ethnic groups of the country to know and experience God in a personal way.
We then entered South Carolina singing “God of the City” and stopped in Dillon, SC to pray to the God of the heavens for great things to happen in that state.
The team arrived at the Brookhaven United Methodist Church, Atlanta, Georgia that evening and were welcomed by local Christian leaders of Atlanta. We prayed for the city of Atlanta, the state of Georgia and the nation. We prayed that God’s will be done and His purposes be accomplished during the presidential elections in November.
We were treated to South Indian dinner and retired for a good night rest after a long and fruitful first day of the prayer drive.
Day 2: July 29th, 2012
We woke up refreshed for Sunday Morning Worship in the home of our hosts Sagar and Beulah, thanking God for the opportunity given to stand in the gap.
We studied the account of David’s victory over the Amalekites and were encouraged by 1 Samuel 30: 18, 19. With a new resolve the team put on the armor of God in readiness to enter the battle field with intercessory prayer and spiritual warfare.
Our first stop of the day was at a picnic area near Pell City, AL. We sang our theme song and prayed for the state of Alabama. The team took turns to 1) Thank God for His protection and guidance on our prayer drive; 2) Pray for the people and the government of the state and the nation; 3) Bind the strongholds of the enemy and release healing and salvation in the area and 4) Pray for the protection of the team members.
Later that day, we entered the state of Mississippi where we were joined by a local pastor near Meridian, MS. We lifted the needs of this state to the Lord together and the team was greatly encouraged by our new friend and fellow intercessor.
Day 2 ended with testimonies from the team and prayers for the state of Louisiana when we stopped for the night at Monroe, LA. We encouraged each other by remembering how the Lord continued to transform us with the burden to pray and intercede for the land.
We started from Louisiana and travelled to Dallas, Texas where we received a warm welcome, delicious meal and great hospitality in the beautiful home of our hosts Bro. Durai and Sis. Lincy.
Later that evening we were joined by local believers at United Christian Church, Garland, Dallas for a prayer meeting and sang together in many Indian languages. The believers prayed for the state of Texas and the team shared testimonies. Pastor John, the senior pastor in that area brought God’s word on intercessory prayer.
Thanks again to our gracious hosts, we spent the night at a Texas Ranch . We praised God for His provision and protection on this road trip.
Day 4: July 31th, 2012
We woke up with the Texas Longhorns praising God for a beautiful day4 of our prayer drive. When came across a plough tiller, God reminded us that we are the tillers of this land and that as intercessors we are softening and preparing the ground for the sowing of the Word of God.
Satish and family left for Chicago to get back to their jobs, inspiring the rest of the team by setting an example of courage and commitment.
We moved on to Oklahoma City and met Pastor Anish and Pastor Lucas and prayed with them for the government and its officials at the state Capital Building. The team prayed at Meinders School of Business, for the Dean, the professors and the students.
Later we gathered with other Christians and pastors at the Eternal Life International Ministries church and interceded for the state of Oklahoma. Pastor Manuel brought teaching on intercessory prayer from the word of God.
We rested at Hinton, Oklahoma City remembering His goodness and praying for further protection and guidance.
Day 5: Aug 01, 2012
We experienced heat wave of up to 112 degrees the day before and prepared for much higher temperatures as we drove into New Mexico .“The Land of Enchantment”.
The beauty of the earth and the glories of the sky reminded us of God’s creation and His sovereignty and inspired us to sing “Indescribable……”
“For the Lord is the great God, the great king above all gods. In His hand are the depths of the earth and the mountain peaks belong to Him, the sea is His, for He made it, and His hands formed the dry land.” Psalm 95:3-5
We continued our journey on I40, worshipping God, interceding and breaking the strongholds of the evil one. We stopped in the visitor center and the team was burdened to pray for the people of New Mexico especially for Native Americans remembering the Great Commission “Preaching the gospel to all creation and making disciples of all ethnic groups”.
The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all the people who live in it.” Psalm 24:1
We rested for the night near the borders of New Mexico and Arizona after a long and tiring journey.
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.”
Psalm 19:1-4.
Day 6: Aug 02, 2012
We woke up to a beautiful morning and headed to see one of the natural wonders, the ‘Grand Canyon’. The team had an exceptionally wonderful time of fun and recreation at this awesome place and praised him for the splendor of His creation.
We reached Phoenix AZ, where we were welcomed into the home of Bro. Augustine who opened the door for us to praise God and share the burden of Intercessory prayer with fellow believers.
We sang songs, performed a skit, exhorted each other with God’s Word and interceded along with them. We had a wonderful fellowship dinner and spent the night in the home of Arthur Satish, the brother of Tagore.
Day 7: Aug 3, 2012
Arthur Satish and his family joined us as we left Phoenix behind and travelled through the deserts of Arizona and California.
We arrived at Anza Baptist Church in Torrance, California for a time of prayer and fellowship with the body of believers led by Bro. Chandrashekar and Bro. Daniel.
We ended the day meeting old friends, sharing testimonies, edifying each other, praying for salvation and warm friendship.
Day 8: Aug 03, 2012
The team awakened with His renewed strength and grace on the last day of our prayer drive. We met with pastor Manoj and his congregation of East West Community Church, Anaheim and prayed for the people of the land.
We concluded this awsome Prayer Drive on the shores of the Pacific Ocean at Redondo Beach, Los Angeles. Here, we claimed the land in faith by releasing balloons in the air at the west coast that said “United States will know Jesus” John 17:3.
We passed the intercessory prayer torch to our fellow believers all along the way and encouraged those at the Pacific Coast to ‘drive’ the prayer torch back to the Atlantic Coast.
We concluded the final day of the prayer drive with a thanks giving prayer before boarding the planes back to Richmond, VA.